Friday, January 24, 2014

SD Legislative Cracker Barrels and Legislative Coffees 2014

Updated - 2/21/14 by Nancy Hilding
PresidentPrairie Hills Audubon Society,

For West River SD this list is alphabetical by counties.
For East River SD this list is alphabetical by town
Scroll Down to find town you want.

Recent changes -- Added times of Cracker barrels in Winner, Colome and Burke.
Added Cracker barrels in Mission and White River.

 Butte County, --
Belle Fourche -  Newell-

Belle Fourche Cracker Barrels,

  January 25th and Feb 22nd, from 12 - 2pm  will be held at the Belle Inn 2511 5th Ave. in 
Belle Fourche, SD.

District 29 and 28 Legislators are traditionally invited
Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce for up dates-- 892-2676, Rita Pazour <>
Newell Cracker Barrels
Saturday , 2-22-14 at 2:30 pm in the NVN Center in Newell.
For info: Sabrina Harmon, 605-381-9136 (Cell),,.or Mike Keolker <> ,
Custer County -

 Custer Cracker Barrel
 District 30 Legislators usually invited.

Cracker Barrel, Feb 8th, 1 to 3 pm at the Senior Center,

For info - Custer County Chronical, - 673-2217,
Custer Chamber of Commerce, 673-2244,,

Fall River County -
Hot Springs & Edgemont

Hot Springs Cracker Barrel
        District 30 Legislators usually invited.
Hot Springs’ Crackerbarrel is set for Saturday, Feb. 1, 1:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs
            School District Administration Building.

 For info: Hot Springs Star 745-4170,,

Edgemont Cracker Barrel

District 30 legislator are usually invited

Usually held at Senior Center,  date not yet known by us, there may be none.
Edgemont Chamber - 662-5900,

Gregory County,

This is listed in eastern SD section

Hughes County

This is listed in eastern SD section


Lawrence County, --
Spearfish, Deadwood

Cracker Barrels - Spearfish,

Spearfish Cracker Barrel

District 31 Legislators usually invited.

Feb 1st and March 1st, 9 to 10, BHSU Club Buzz Room

Spearfish Chamber of Commerce 642-2626,,
for updates, or when at BHSU, - College ,  605.642.6215, 

Deadwood Cracker Barrel

       District 31 Legislators usually invited,

Has been held in the past at Deadwood City Hall, we believe there will be none in 2014.

For info,  Deadwood Chamber of Commerce,  578-1876,,
 City of Deadwood - Diana -, 578-2600
Meade County-
 Sturgis, Piedmont and Union Center Usually

Sturgis Area Cracker Barrel

     Legislators for 29 are invited

January 25th, & February 22nd 2014, 9 am, At the County Office Building, at 1300 Sherman Street, Sturgis, SD 57785, 2nd Floor, Commissioners Room,
For info, Sturgis Chamber is (605) 347-2556, Kathy Christenson <>

Foothills Area (Piedmont) -Cracker Barrel, 2014

Saturday, February 8th, 2014 American Legion Post 311, Piedmont,
            2:30-4:30 pm, District 29 and 33 invited.

The Post is located at 101 Pine Street and is at the intersection of Pine and Sturgis
Road (North First St). It is on the southeast side of the town of Piedmont >  travel about a half mile northwest of exit 46 (Elk Creek Rd Exit) on Sturgis Rd.

For Info ask sponsors: 
            Nancy Hilding - Prairie Hills Audubon Society, (605) 787-6779 or  6466,
            Kim Anderson - American Legion Post 311, (605) 787-5886,,
            Bob Mallow - Foothills Kiwanis, (605) 787-4382,,
            Jeff Kreun - Foothills Area Chamber of Commerce, 605-381-8065,

Union Center Cracker Barrel

Has been held in past at the Community Baptist Church. 

Mellete County
White River

February the 21st, there will be a Cracker Barrel in White River at the Mellette County Museum at 5 pm.

For info.

Pennington County, 2014
 Rapid City, Hill City, Wall, New Underwood,

Rapid City Area - Legislative Cracker barrel

Cracker Barrels in Rapid City at the New Classroom Building of the SD School of Mines & Technology at 9-11 am.

January 18th, 2014 (long weekend for Legislature)
February 1st. 2014 (long weekend for Legislature)
February 22nd, 2014
March 1st, 2014  (long weekend for Legislature)

      They invite all legislators that represent the Rapid City area - multiple districts

For info,  - Visit Rapid City Chamber web site and/or Chamber is 343-1744, ask for "Lynn Kendall" <>

Hills City Cracker Barrel

 Feb 8th,  9-11, 3rd floor of Super 8 motel.

Call up legislators or Prevailer - 574-2538,,  or  Hill City Chamber 574-2368 

New Underwood Cracker Barrel,  has been had at the C -Store in the past,, don't know for this year

Wall Cracker Barrel 

February 22nd, 1 pm at Wall Drug, free coffee and donuts, left side of big dining room,

 Wall Drug - Mike,  605-279-2175,,  605-279-2665,

Todd County

February  28th there will be a Cracker Barrel in Mission  at 
City Office Building on Main at  5 pm

For info.

Tripp County

This is listed in Eastern SD Section.



ABERDEEN Legislative Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

 Legislators from Districts 1, 2 and 3.

Aberdeen, 2014 (Coffee)

Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee will host the legislative cracker barrel sessions on Saturday mornings during session.  The sessions are open to the public. 
For 2014, the sessions will be held in the Centennial Rooms of Northern State University on the following dates from 10:00 am -12:00 pm:

Saturday, February 8th,
Saturday, February 22nd
Saturday, March 1st

Contact information
 Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce at 605-225-2860 or

ALEXANDRIA Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Saturday, Feb. 8th in Alexandria, 10:00 am, at the Community Room at

Hanson County School (Alexandria, SD)

BRANDON Legislative Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Saturday, February 15th from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Bethany Meadows there will be a Chamber Legislative Coffee.  District 10 and 25 invited.
Brandon Valley Chamber of Commerce - 605-582-7400,

BROOKINGS Legislative Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Feb 1st, Feb 15th and March 1st
9:00 – 10:30 am
City County Building, Brookings SD

 Brookings Area Chamber of Commerce's Government Affairs Committee
 at 605-692-6125,

BURKE Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

 Cracker Barrels on February 22nd 
Burke 12:00 pm at Stellas

For info -, 605-835-8089
Springfield Times Editor,, 605-369-2441,
Burke Gazette- 775-2612 

CANTON Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

February 8th, 2014  - 10 am to 12 am,
Location to be verified

Chamber of Commerce - 605-764-7864

CHAMBERLAIN Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Crackerbarrel is scheduled for Saturday, February 15th at 10am in Chamberlain at Gateway West

Chamberlain/Oacoma Chamber of Commerce at  605-234-4416.
Mike, -
COLOME  Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

CB is anticipated, 10 am on the 22nd,
location unknown


CORSICA Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

March 1 at the Community Center in
Corsica, 10:00 am

GETTYSBURG Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

February the 22nd,
Medicine Rock Cafe & Pub at 2 pm, in Gettysburg,

For info  - Potter County News, 605-765-2464,

GREGORY Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

There will be three Cracker Barrels on February 22nd west of the river in this District & in this general area, and  Colome will be exchanged for Gregory in 2014

For info -, 605-835-8089
Springfield Times Editor,, 605-369-2441,

HURON Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8 
All at 9am,  at Huron City Hall Commission Room

Chamber Phone: 605-352-0363 , 
Erica Woodbury  Program

KIMBALL Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Crackerbarrel is scheduled for Saturday, February 15th
at 1:30 pm. For location contact

Chamberlain/Oacoma Chamber of Commerce at  605-234-4416.
Mike, -
MADISON Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

January 8, 2014 - 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
2014 Legislative Issues Discussion and Meet District 8 Representatives
Location: Madison City Hall - Commission Room 116 W. Center Street

February 8, 2014 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location: Madison City Hall - Commission Room 116 W. Center Street

District 8 Legislators invited.

- The Chamber Governmental Affairs Committee

MITCHELL Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

District 20 legislators - Senator Mike Vehle and Representatives Lance Carson and Tona Rozum have been invited in the past years

Saturday, January 25th
Mitchell Technical Institute Amphitheater

Saturday, February 22nd
Mitchell Technical Institute Amphitheater

The Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs Committee
605-996-5567. Rebecca Zabel, Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce, Program Coordinator
MOBRIDGE Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Morning Saturday, February 22nd, location not known
For info  - Potter County News, 605-765-2464,
ONIDA Cracker Barrel (Coffee),  

Friday, Feb. 14 at 10 a.m. at the Sully Area Library (at the school).

District 24 Legislators
by the Onida Chamber of Commerce

For info Marileen Tilberg, Phone 605-258-2604, <>

PIERRE Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce will host a Legislative Cracker Barrel in the chamber's Community Room located at 800 West Dakota Avenue.

 It will be held at 9 a.m.

February 8, 2014

Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee
605) 224.7361 or (800) 962.2034 Fax: (605) 224.6485

PLATTE Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Saturday, February 1st, 12:30 pm , at Pizza Ranch

For info -, 605-835-8089
Springfield Times Editor,, 605-369-2441,

REDFIELD Cracker Barrel (Coffee)
February 17, 2014 - Cracker Barrel
2:00 p.m.
Historic CNW Train Depot in Redfield.
Refreshments provided by Redfield Tourism
Ph: (605) 472-0965 Fax: (605) 472-4553
SIOUX FALLS Legislative Coffee

Saturday, Feb. 1
10-11:30 a.m.
Districts 6, 9, 12 & 14
Hilton Garden Inn Downtown, 201 E. 8th St.

Saturday, Feb. 8
10-11:30 a.m.
Districts 10, 11, 13 &15
Hilton Garden Inn Downtown, 201 E. 8th St.

Saturday, Feb. 22
10-11:30 a.m.
Districts 6, 9, 12 & 14
Hilton Garden Inn Downtown, 201 E. 8th St.

Friday, Feb. 28
10-11:30 a.m.
Districts 10, 11, 13 &15
Holiday Inn City Centre, 100 W. 8th St.

The coffees are sponsored by the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, AARP, AAUW, BWP, Democratic Forum, League of Women Voters, Minnehaha County Democratic Party, Minnehaha County Republican Party, Sioux Falls Education Association, National Women’s Political Caucus:

AMY SMOLIK-, Ph. 605.373.2054 ,

SPRINGFIELD Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Saturday, at 8 am, community Center, location not known by us
tyndal tribune -  news paper - sheila 

For info -, 605-835-8089
Springfield Times Editor,, 605-369-2441,

VERMILLION Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Feb 1st and March 1st
10 am, Vermillion City Hall Council Chambers

 District 17 Legislators, are invited,

 Sponsored by the VFW Auxiliary, Clay County Democrats, Clay County Republicans, and the VCDC Legislative Affairs Committee.-  

605-624-5571 , Anne,

YANKTON Cracker Barrel  (Coffee)

Legislative Cracker Barrels

Legislative Coffees are held monthly during session and serve as a forum for discussion with elected officials.  Events are open to the public.  All legislative cracker barrels will be at 10:00 am at the Avera Office Pavilion Amphitheatre, 409 Summit Street

February 1, 2014
February 22nd, 2014
March 1, 2014

 Yankton Chamber of Commerce, 605-665-3636,

WATERTOWN Cracker Barrel  (Coffee)

Saturday, February 1, 9:00am – Lake Area Tech Campus Center,
and Saturday, February 15, 9:00am – Watertown Winter Farms Show (County Extension Center).

District 5 legislators invited.

The Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee,605-886-5814, Megan Grumam,

WAGNER Cracker Barrel (Coffee)

Saturday, February 1st, 10 am, at Valley Station

For info -, 605-835-8089
Springfield Times Editor,, 605-369-2441,

WINNER Cracker Barrel  (Coffee)

District 21 invited.

There may be three Cracker Barrels on February 22nd west of the river in this District
 Winner, 8:00am at State Wide Ag building,

For, 605-835-8089
Springfield Times Editor,, 605-369-2441,


Groups that normally  maintain  master lists of Cracker Barrels/Coffees on web sites, that may have additional info:
SD Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities -
SD Camo-Coalition (SD Wildlife Federation)  Chris Hesla <>,
Dakota Rural Action,,
Prairie Hills Audubon Society, -,

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